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Middle School


The Middle School Program provides engaging and interactive instruction to students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. Core curriculum in Spanish, reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies is taught by licensed teachers deemed highly qualified by the Ohio Department of Education in their respective content areas. Teachers strive to integrate subject matter throughout the curriculums as much as possible for the benefit of our students. This holistic approach to presenting material allows students to grasp the concept being learned in meaningful and effective ways leading to higher levels of critical thinking and application. All students in the middle school are fortunate to be in classrooms with access to innovative technology in the form of interactive whiteboards, called Promethean Boards, iPAD’s, laptops, NEO word processors and many software programs such as Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft Publisher. These tools encourage students to become proficient with a variety of technology that will serve them well in the future.


Spanish is taught in middle school, with learners completing Spanish I before going to high school. Students also enjoy classes in art, music, physical education, health, and character education and social skills. Choir and band are also available to students in middle school. Oakapella, Oakstone’s Acapella Group, is available for 8th grade students to join.


Students benefit from small class sizes where they receive personalized attention and guidance if needed. Classes are limited to no more than 18 students with one licensed teacher and one or two teaching assistants. Advanced classes in English, Math, and Spanish are available for students who are academically prepared for advanced classes.


Since class sizes are small, students have many opportunities to participate in student leadership and yearbook. Other activities offered throughout the school year include: school dances and social events; academic field trips, locally as well as overnight trips to Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia, PA and opportunities for after-school clubs.


Our new gymnasium and expanding athletic options also provide middle school students with the opportunity to participate in Volleyball, Basketball, Running Club, Swimming, as well as various athletic club options.


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